OneCart Logo
OneCart Logo
OneCart Logo

Multiple stores, one store, shopping simplified

Multiple stores, one store, shopping simplified

Multiple stores, one store, shopping simplified

OneCart simplifies the South African grocery shopping experience by allowing customers to shop from multiple stores with one basket and one payment.

OneCart simplifies the South African grocery shopping experience by allowing customers to shop from multiple stores with one basket and one payment.

OneCart simplifies the South African grocery shopping experience by allowing customers to shop from multiple stores with one basket and one payment.

OneCart Hero
OneCart Hero
OneCart Hero
OneCart Background

OneCart’s challenge

OneCart Challenge
OneCart Challenge

The OneCart team came to Jack with a high stakes design challenge: OneCart is a South African grocery delivery service titan, guided by the fundamental value to put their customers at the heart of everything they do. OneCart approached Jack to help reimagine their users’ experience of finding and shopping digitally from the same stores in one mall...

in a way that felt simple, intuitive and uncomplicated

in a way that allowed the ease of multi-store purchases in one single shopping experience

OneCart Background

OneCart’s challenge

OneCart Challenge

The OneCart team came to Jack with a high stakes design challenge: OneCart is a South African grocery delivery service titan, guided by the fundamental value to put their customers at the heart of everything they do. OneCart approached Jack to help reimagine their users’ experience of finding and shopping digitally from the same stores in one mall...

in a way that felt simple, intuitive and uncomplicated

in a way that allowed the ease of multi-store purchases in one single shopping experience

This is where

came in...

Armed with a deep understanding of OneCart's product aspirations, our team focussed our attention on OneCart's digital product.

First, we created a comprehensive blueprint for the OneCart product, detailing its full UX system. We outlined each end user’s experience and interactions with OneCart, allowing Kanaka and Emily to visualise their digital product. Once the system was perfected, we added the visual and interactive aspects through an iterative process of UI design.


4 - 6 weeks

OneCart System
OneCart System
OneCart System

Step into
