An integrated crop solution partner for farmers

An integrated crop solution partner for farmers

An integrated crop solution partner for farmers

IngelliGro is a South African agritech company with a vision to optimise and protect the nation's food crops.

IngelliGro is a South African agritech company with a vision to optimise and protect the nation's food crops.

IngelliGro is a South African agritech company with a vision to optimise and protect the nation's food crops.

Meet the team behind InteliGro

Meet the team behind InteliGro

Meet the team behind InteliGro

InteliGro Challenge

Team InteliGro came to Jack to bring their latest innovation to life. Our team's challenges were to…

transform high level InteliGro CEP wireframes into a user friendly, intuitive interface

design an interface that empowers both farmers and seed agents to do their jobs better

InteliGro Challenge

Team InteliGro came to Jack to bring their latest innovation to life. Our team's challenges were to…

transform high level InteliGro CEP wireframes into a user friendly, intuitive interface

design an interface that empowers both farmers and seed agents to do their jobs better

This is where

came in...

To start, our team conceptualised and delivered the InteliGro Design System.

Using the existing InteliGro brand as the cornerstone of the deliverable, we crafted an interactive digital style-guide to guide the interface design. With the inclusion of everything from button styles to select controls, this deliverable serves as a single source of truth for the visual style of all InteliGro's digital assets.

design system

1 - 2 weeks

Once InteliGro's unique digital house style was established, we focussed our attention on their digital interface.

Armed with deep system understanding from a technical insights session with our client, we were able to optimise and create the InteliGro user interface through an iterative process of UI design.


4 - 6 weeks

Step into
